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Showing posts from July, 2009

Speed up Joomla Website Load Time

Joomla is an Open Source software program that offers users many different components, modules and Mambots in order to run an effective, dynamic, community website. But, all these add-ons and additional features can often slow down your website. While, we can't blame Joomla, because we heart Joomla, we can understand that Joomla websites are not always downloading fast on user's browsers. There are simple ways to speed up your Joomla website right away, they’re easy and effective. First of all, so that we can track your progress as you speed up the download time of your website, check out the Octagate site timer for Website Load Time Before trying any of these steps, test your website in a new tab or browser with the site time, that way, you can compare the speed once you take each one of these quick steps. Make sure your Joomla website is caching data through the backend. HOW? Go to the backend of your Joomla website and choose: Site >> Global Configuratio

Advantages W3C Compliant for your joomla site

Become a Joomla Webmasters should follow the W3C standards to increase the compatibility of their web site in many browsers. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international organization that develops the standards for web related products like browsers, web sites etc. What are the advantages of W3C compliant html? Your web site is more compatible with many browsers. When you see your site on your computer with your browser it looks OK to you. But if your visitor is using some old time browser, it won’t display properly to him. When you follow W3C standards which are followed by most browsers, the old browsers can display your site. Search engine crawling. Search engines can easily understand your web pages and evaluate properly. This way it is easy to get indexed in search results. How to create W3C compliant html web pages? If you are know html, you can develop by writing html in a standard notepad application. But this is not the case with many webmasters, who still are